The Maya originated around 2600 B.C. and rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. Inheriting the inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations, the Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems, hieroglyphic writing, ceremonial architecture, and masonry without metal tools. Maya civilization started to decline around A.D. 900, although some peripheral centres continued to thrive until the Spanish conquest in the early sixteenth century.
From the Author
I have chosen to outline four aspects of the ancient Maya (history, artistry, geography, and astronomy) partially because I find them personally interesting, but also because they fit so well into that little pyramid-navigation-scheme-thingy up there. This site is not intended to be an A-Z reference on the Maya, but more a general overview of some of their cultural achievements. For more elaborate information and varied topics, please visit the sites listed below.
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