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Pictures! (09-26-2014)
We won't have the official pictures from the wedding back for a couple weeks, but in the meantime, here are some from our friends and familes:
Album on Facebook (open to public)
Friday Night Potluck and BBQ Location Changed (08-06-2014)
Due to the size of the group, our original location for the Friday night BBQ needs to be updated. We will now be holding it at a shelter at the city park just down the road.
New Location:
4011 Jackson Blvd, Shelter #3
Directions: Take Jackson Blvd to Park Drive. Turn off Park Drive at Canyon Lake Dr. Parking is available there.
A few notes:
No alcohol allowed in the park, sorry! :(
There will be some power available, but it may be limited, so keep that in mind for what you bring.
There is a playground, lake and bathrooms near the shelter.
Clean-up will start at about 9:30 pm and we have to be out by 10 pm.
Lodging News (06-11-2014)
It has been brought to my attention that Lake Park Campground has a very early checkout time of 9 AM and that for a later checkout they will charge an additional $39/hr. For those of you who will be partying at the reception, I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
Also, the special rates you get for booking the wedding with the confirmation numbers I provided will be expiring in July and August, so please be sure to book ASAP.
It appears Wal-Mart is out of stock on some of the items we registered, so I will try to register at another store as well.
Gift Registry (06-08-2014)
We have registered at Wal-Mart for some household items and games that would get lots of usage. Gift cards for Lowe's or Home Depot would also be useful for various home upgrades. However, we don't want anyone to feel obligated to get us anything. We will also gladly accept advice on how to have a happy marriage, family recipes, etc.